9:24 PM
book cover
graphic design
Kindle Edition
Project Live
William C. Focht Jr.
A book cover is a crucial element of the reading experience. |
Project Live [Kindle Edition] William C. Focht Jr. (Author), Jim Martin (Editor), Alexander Gomez (Illustrator)
It's the first thing you see, and a great cover can draw you in and
persuade you to start that journey of discovery, page by page.
The story behind the Cover
The Author
Hi Alexander,
I'm looking to do a book cover.
Alexander Gómez
hi Author
sure. i can help you with the covertell me more about the book
The Author
is a fictional book involving the spine.
a secret CIA experiment to test the uncultivated field of stem cell research.
Alexander Gómezok
sound kinda creepy story :-)
Ok the main idea: it could be something in black background, the silhouette in gray...
and the spine in glow blue, kinda neon lights.
The Author.
That would be awesome.
Kind of a better idea of what i had in a fictional book involving the spine.
a secret CIA experiment to test the uncultivated field of stem cell research.
Alexander Gómezok
sound kinda creepy story :-)
Ok the main idea: it could be something in black background, the silhouette in gray...
and the spine in glow blue, kinda neon lights.
The Author.
That would be awesome.
Alexander Gómez
i glad hear that.
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